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Laboratoire de la finance africaine


Aperçu 2025
Annual current GDP growth (%) : 2.157
GDP (USD billions) : 1.363
Population (Thousands) : 0.955 
Economic performance and outlook

Comorian economic activity rebounded in 2021 with GDP growth of 1.9 percent, compared with 0.2 percent in 2020. Inflation rose to 1.4 percent in 2021, from 0.9 percent in 2020, due to higher food prices resulting from supply constraints on imported goods. Foreign exchange reserves are estimated at 9 months of imports. The country received $24.3 million in SDR allocation. The current account deficit widened in 2021 to 3.6 percent of GDP from 2.0 percent in 2020 due to the decline in foreign aid, coupled with an increase in the trade deficit. (Download detailed Analysis Source : Report African Economic Outlook 2022 ; AfDB)

Financial markets

Comoros does not have a stock market. With the exception of 2018, which was characterized by a peak, foreign direct investment flows to Comoros have been almost flat over the period 2017-2021, amounting to $4.1 million in 2021.